Design Your Own 3D Book Images

Design Your Own 3D Book Images

Have you created an awesome online product? Maybe its a short story, a poem, or an entire Ebook. It can even be a smaller product like a worksheet, placemat or presentation with slides.  No matter what your product is, you will need to market it in a way that your...

Reasons Readers Quit #8: No Consequences

Consequences. All of us grew up with them. And we learned that adulthood is full of them, too. But so often when we read a book or watch a movie, the rules of life and consequences don’t seem to apply. And this is a sure-fire way to repel readers forever. Write...

How I, a Former Judge, Won a Short Story Contest

Honorable Mention counts, right? First and foremost, props to the Grand Prize winner, Sef Churchill and her wildly imaginative story, “Porthole.” She should write her own (legitimate) version of this post. But my Honorable Mention was included in the...

Reason Readers Quit #6: No Authentic Conflict

In 2004, I wrote and produced a play. I was convinced it was brilliant.  (It wasn’t). I was especially proud of all the conflict between its two main characters, believing that this made the play an honest portrayal of life’s complicated issues. When it...

Why Readers Quit #5: No Resistence

I love The Lord of the Rings.  I fell in love at 17 when I saw The Fellowship of the Ring in the theater, and I immediately picked up the books. I trust I’m not alone. Authors of great fantasy like Tolkien, Rowling, Martin, and more, fill our shelves and our...